December 2023
Date: December 12, 2023
Moving into the month of December the top water bite declines and the bottom is where you need to have your nymph. Do not be afraid to continue with a dry dropper setup as the water is still low and clear but mindful that you need to consistently work the bottom by adding and removing tippet to change the depth of your nymph. Most of the surface risers will be from midges, so if you see fish rising, go to your smallest dry and see if you cant entice them. A good cast and presentation will catch more fish, as the fish will be slowing down with the cooling water temperatures closing in on that 40-degree mark. Fish stealthy and think small and buggy
Tips: layer up, light line, keep moving upstream
Flies: Walts Worm, Griffith Gnat, Hares Ear, Pheasant Tails, Prince Nymph, and BWO’s